Salmon Kabobs

Salmon and Zucchini Kabobs
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Here is a recipe for grilled salmon. It’s a fantastic super quick recipe that combines salmon with zucchini. The salmon and zucchini are placed on skewers and grilled.

How do you grill salmon kabobs?

Start with cubing a pound of salmon into 3/4 inch to 1 inch pieces.  It’s important to keep the salmon pieces small. Salmon is not a firm fish so if you make the pieces to big and they stick to the grill they will fall apart while grilling. Next, slice and cut up 3 small zucchini. A quick tip if you are using wooden skewers. Soak them in water for 10 minutes so that they don’t burn while on the grill. Sometimes with Kabobs its a good idea to use two skewers to make flipping on the grill easier, but because the pieces of salmon are so small you should not need two.

Final preparation step is place the salmon and fresh zucchini on skewers. Push one piece of salmon down the skewer and then one piece of zucchini. Repeat the process until all your salmon is used. After you have your kabobs ready on the skewers, season with dried dill, salt, and fresh cracked pepper. That’s the only preparation needed which makes this recipe for grilled salmon so simple.


Salmon and Zucchini Kabob

Salmon and Zucchini Kabobs


Salmon and Zucchini sitting on a plate


How long to grill salmon kabobs?

Fire up your gas grill and bring the temp up to 400 degrees F. Make sure the grill grates are nice and hot before you put the kabobs on. You don’t want the kabobs to stick to the grill and a nice hot grill will help the cause.

Place the kabobs directly on the grill grates over direct heat.

Wait three minutes and slowly flip each kabob. Gentle is the key word when flipping these.

Wait another two minutes and then take off the grill. Again, gentle is the key word taking the salmon and zucchini off the grill.

Do not take off the grill until it reaches an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture 145 degrees Fahrenheit is the safe internal temp for consumption.


Salmon and Zucchini on a grill

Grilled Salmon and Zucchini Kabobs

Grilled Salmon and Zucchini Kabobs


Tips for grilling Salmon Kabobs.

  • Start with a clean grill. No one wants dirty salmon.
  • Pre heat the grill before you put on the salmon.
  • Soak the skewers in water before you put the salmon on them. This will help prevent burning.

Salmon and Zucchini

Salmon and Zucchini plated

Salmon Kabobs Grilled

By Drew Serves: 2
Prep Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 5 minutes

Small chunks of salmon are combined with fresh summer zucchini on skewers to make a fantastic quick grilled meal.


  • 1 pound of salmon
  • 3 small zucchini
  • Dried Dill
  • salt
  • fresh cracked pepper



Take your salmon fillet and cube it into small 1 inch pieces.


Take three small pieces into small 1 inch pieces.


Place the salmon and zucchini on wooden skewars.


Sprikle dry dill, salt and fresh cracked pepper over the kabobs.


Heat your gas grill to 400 degrees.


Place salmon kabobs over direct heat.


Very gentle rotate skewers after 3 minutes.


Take off the grill after another 3 minutes.


Serve and Enjoy!


Nice tip is to soak the wooden skewers in water for ten minutes before adding the salmon and zucchini to help prevent the wood to burn.

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  • Reply
    Brittany F.
    August 20, 2022 at 8:03 pm

    I love grilled salmon and this is a great way for me to use the zucchini in my garden. Great recipe that is delicious and easy to prep!

  • Reply
    August 20, 2022 at 10:20 pm

    We lovesalmon but never thought to make kabobs with it. Such a quick and easy recipe, yum!

  • Reply
    August 22, 2022 at 12:52 pm

    These kabobs are fantastic! Love this recipe so much, perfect for easy dinner!

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