Spicy Vegetable Soup recipe / Тиквена Крем Супа с Куркума рецепта
Soups & Salads Vegan

Spicy Butternut Squash Soup

Soups and salads are my absolutely favourite meals. There is something so ecstatically revitalising in small spoonfuls of vegetables, irrespective if they might be fresh or cooked. But my husband and I are often in disagreement. I could happily live on lighter menus, while for him a day is not a day without a heavy dose of meat, pasta, potatoes or rice. Compromise is not always easy, yet we have learned how to plan ahead and combine lighter dishes with heavy meals for Her and for Him.

Occasionally, we both agree on the irresistible qualities of a meal, bringing joy and satisfaction to us all. This delightful rich and spicy butternut squash soup has been a real surprise for both of us. Velvety and creamy, it does not require many vegetables to make a perfect taste. However, all taste and flavours and aromas are coming from a clever dry and fresh spice mix, transforming a simple soup to a culinary marvel. Turmeric, lovage, coriander, fennel, cayenne red pepper, star-anise, cumin, black pepper… Something magic happens with all spice combined. Humble tastes transform into deep, rewarding flavours. Making the soup into a real celebratory meal, we add a tea spoon of crème fraîche, sunflower and pumpkin seeds and for the still hungry family members (read Him) a slice of multi-grain brown bread.


  • 1/2 butternut squash (peeled and diced)
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 red onion
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 1 garlic clove (minced)
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • pinch of dried lovage
  • pinch of ground coriander
  • pinch of ground fennel
  • pinch of ground cayenne red pepper
  • pinch of ground star-anise
  • pinch of ground cumin
  • pinch of black pepper
  • salt
  • 1 vegetable bouillon cube
  • fresh coriander leaves
  • fresh parsley leaves
  • sunflower and pumpkin seeds
  • crème fraîche
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 400ml water


1. Heat one table spoon of olive oil in a deep cooking pot.
2. Add the minced garlic and chopped red onion and let them soften a little for maximum 5 minutes.
3. Chop the carrots, butternut squash and celery sticks in thin slices.
4. Add the vegetables to the pot and stir all the ingredients for 5 minutes.
5. Pour in the water. Add the dry spices and the vegetable bouillon cube and let the soup boil on medium heat for 20 minutes.
6. Season with salt and black pepper and add the fresh coriander leaves. Let the soup boil for additional 2 minutes.
7. Bled the soup together until smooth.
8. Serve with a tea spoon of crème fraîche, sunflower and pumpkin seeds and fresh parsley leaves.

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