The Breakfast Club – Mushrooms on toast

I have said this multiple times on this blog – me and breakfasts just don’t get along. This got me thinking, I cannot be the only person who has this problem, who struggles to get consistency in their breakfast routine.

So here is a new Saturday series called The Breakfast Club. Breakfast recipes, for people who don’t like breakfast.

The first recipe to kick it off is Mushrooms on toast.

I love this recipe, it’s simple and reminds me of uni. I used to cook my girlfriend this occasionally as a treat or after a night out, in need of a quick snack. It can all be ready in 10 minutes and is delicious.

1 x clove of garlic
2 x slices of bread
50-75ml of double cream
100-150g chestnut mushrooms
10g thyme
1/4 tsp of mustard (wholegrain)
1 x tbsp. of vegetable oil
salt & pepper

  1. Slice each mushroom into six pieces – firstly slice down the middle, then lay the flat side of the mushroom down, and slice on a diagonal angle to get three pieces. Repeat this process with every mushroom.
  2. In a griddle pan on a medium heat, add a tbsp. of vegetable oil. wait a minute until the oil gets hot then add in the mushrooms and fry for 2 minutes. Turn the mushrooms every 30 seconds.
  3. Add in the thyme and finely grate the clove of garlic into the pan and fry for 1 minute, stirring every ten seconds.
  4. Add in the cream and mustard and gently bring to the boil. Once it reaches the boil cook for a minute, then reduce to a low/medium heat.
  5. Once you have turned the mushroom mixture down to a low heat, toast the two pieces of bread.
  6. Serve.
  7. IMG_5995IMG_5998IMG_6001IMG_6006

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